Monday, August 31, 2009

RPGs are good - it's like chess!

Seriously, I never thought I'd pick up an RPG game ever. It was around college when I said 'no' to RPGs and joined the FPS (first-person-shooter) genre of gaming, starting with Castle Wolfenstein.

I wanted quick response, deadly action, and instant reaction in games. Didn't care for the time-consuming turn-based games.

Which leads to this irony....the first ever game that really got me hooked into PC gaming? Wasteland. And this was a heavy text-based RPG. And turn-based combat too.

And now, I'm back and loving the RPG-genre of gaming. I like the strategies involved, the cut scenes, and the allowance of time before you 'execute' your moves. Granted, it does take a lot of time to play. No lightning fast level finishes here.

What tuned me back to RPG gaming is Atlus' Persona 3:FES. I got intrigued by the 'controversialities' of this game, which deals with summoning personas (like powerful spirits/deities) to assist you in battle. The way you 'invoke' your persona was actually the one that raised concern over this game. Nevertheless, I liked it and before I knew it, poured over a 100 hours into it (...there goes 100+ hours of my life, hehehe).

Persona 3 by Atlus triggered my jump back to the RPG genre of gaming.

Then I got Tales Of Vesperia, which blew me away with the anime-type graphics and the smoothness of the gameplay. It's not a traditional turn-based RPG, but more of a free-flowing style. You do have a team, but you don't have to wait to move/attack, and that added a sense of speed into the game.

Tales of Vesperia, a free-move style RPG. Awesome animation/graphics and nice storyline.

Have finished Persona 3, which led me to wanting more Persona. Good thing Persona 4 came out Christmas of 2008.

Atlus knew what to do with Persona 4. Persona 3 was a hit, so they kept the basics, and just added more stuff to it without re-doing the architecture. The formula worked!

Maybe this is just an excuse, really, underlying the fact that - I am getting old and the slow pace of the RPG games is more in my 'comfort' zone. :-)

And I still have a couple of RPGs to finish - I'll take my time on those too. ;-)

But hey, I still love FPS games with a passion! Make no mistake on that!

1 comment:

  1. RPG's also tend to eat up time pretty fast - to think that it is a game with a 'relaxed' pace. It is very time consuming, and also not everyone's cup of tea. Fortunately, it is for me, and I do agree with the points mentioned here.
