Sunday, June 20, 2010

House :-)

No, it's not the TV show, though I watch 'House' regularly and like it a lot.

Finally was able to move and get my own place. The move in itself is, as always, stressful. But after getting all things out from the old place and into the new, there's this nice satisfying feeling. That 'homeowner' feeling.

Being my first actual house, the thought of being a firstime homeowner seems daunting. Because this time, you are the one responsible pretty much for everything - maintenance and the like.

This time, the house responsibility doesn't stop with the utilities - it's all or nothing.

But that's part of the deal of being a homeowner. The pros outweigh the cons. Specially the detached living conditions ;-)

It will take a while to settle in, after all, I have so much junk that I've accumulated. It's amazing once these things are all collected in boxes and bins and you see how much they really are. Specially the smaller things.

And unpacking isn't any fun as packing either.

I set some incentives for myself to make sure I get the things all unpacked - I will not be setting up my media centers until I have cleared out the garage. That includes a second wave of donating stuff and disposing of unneeded things.

Rin seems to like the new place too. :-)

I hope that's incentive enough. I myself can't stand clutter and disarray.

Well, let's see how this one goes. The unpacking/settling starts.....yesterday!!


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