Monday, August 24, 2009

Job seeker blues

I know a couple of friends who are 'journeymen' when it comes to jobs. They've at least had 4-5 jobs already. Before I thought that it seems to much of a hassle and not worth the trouble.

Now, I'm seeing it in a different light. I actually envy them - because when it comes to work and their careers, they are 'in game'. Say, compare to someone who has been in the same job for at least 8 years. When something comes up and that person now needs to look for a job, it's going to be like the first time looking for one.

But yes, it depends on the individual. Some people stay in shape, not only physically, but mentally and career-wise. Keeping up to date with technology, studying their field while at work. Of course there are the low profile ones to who are content with what is at hand. There's always two sides to a coin, right?

It is nice to keep up with what you know, one way or another. It doesn't mean that you'd be studying every night and seeing what's new out there. But an occasional online training or seminar won't hurt. You'll never know when you'll need a refresher and perhaps new skills. And it doesn't hurt to exercise our brains from time to time. ;-)

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